Responding to resistance for me typically is number 2.
It's very interesting to view resistance this way. ( having the need to zig zag through it like a sailboat) Adjusting to the wind is actually the method for progression. Which is cool, because if you don't understand this.... When starting to zig ( and you want to zag) can feel like failing. Going backwards. But, in reality, as long as you keep zagging... It means advancing forward.
It's a skill in sailing, and it's a skill in life. But once you actually experience it, there is nothing quite like the feel of turning the wind or resistance to your advantage. Such power!
Responding to resistance for me typically is number 2.
It's very interesting to view resistance this way. ( having the need to zig zag through it like a sailboat) Adjusting to the wind is actually the method for progression. Which is cool, because if you don't understand this.... When starting to zig ( and you want to zag) can feel like failing. Going backwards. But, in reality, as long as you keep zagging... It means advancing forward.
It's a skill in sailing, and it's a skill in life. But once you actually experience it, there is nothing quite like the feel of turning the wind or resistance to your advantage. Such power!