The Weight of Indecision
It divides attention. It steals opportunity. It obscures present dangers. But this is only the beginning...
“...I am At war ‘twixt will and will not.” — William Shakespeare
There is a cost to indecision in the weight you carry.
Each decision delayed is a battle waged in the mind. And two decisions delayed elevates the battle to a war fought on many fronts. Worry spreads like a virus exacting a heavier toll than the enemy.
The mind is tenacious when presented with decisions.
It worries at them incessantly like a dog at a bone. The boundaries of day and night matter not. Pulses of fear and uncertainty interrupt all other matters, regardless of meaning or importance. An answer must be presented!
Indecision adds to the weight carried.
Each decision delayed crowds out more meaningful pursuits, for only so much weight can be born by one person. The weight lies not so much in the decision itself but in the fear and uncertainty surrounding it.
Indecision divides attention.
The world continues on largely unnoticed as you wallow in indecision. It robs you of opportunity. It imperils you with unseen dangers. Chaos reigns in the moment as you peck at each unmade decision.
Indecision is exhausting.
Attention is caught in a never-ending tug of war between decisions delayed and the moment at hand. Focus is usurped. Thoughts are fragmented. And actions mirror thoughts.
Stop indecision where it stands:
Evaluate every decision in terms of risk. Some allow deliberation before the risk of indecision grows to great. Some must be made immediately and without delay.
Make note of decisions under deliberation. Unburden the mind and remove the fear of forgetfulness. Reevaluate them on a regular schedule.
Make recurring decisions once where possible. Transform them from decisions to effective habits.
If you fear making bad decisions, remember the wisdom of Mark Twain: “Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions.”
🤔 Food for Thought:
How many decisions currently weigh on you?
What is stopping you from deciding?
Is the risk of indecision now outweighing a bad decision?
⚙️ One Small Step:
Make note of every decision currently weighing on you. How does it feel to get them out of your head and in writing? Now schedule a weekly slot to review such decisions. How does it feel knowing you will not forget?