EPIC creators don’t stifle their creativity.
They commit to creating consistently.
They allow patterns to emerge.
They curate their own work.
Are you an EPIC creator?
Let’s find out!
(E)xplore Interests
Don’t make the mistake of choosing a niche or focus area prematurely. Make time for creating. Even 15 minutes a day will do. Explore those diverse interests. Create without limits. Do this consistently. If you tire of one thing, jump to another. Keep the joy coming!
Observe (P)atterns
Patterns emerge when you create consistently over a period of time. Have patience and don’t force it. Trust they will appear. And be ready to catch them when they do. They appear as areas of concentration, resonance with other people and epiphanies.
(I)dentity and (C)urate
Once patterns emerge, identify one you would like to make accessible to your admirers. Curate the creations in this pattern for a specific need. Refine it. Then sell it or give it away. This product is a distillation of past work in a convenient package.
To be an EPIC creator, you must commit fully to the process. There are no cheat codes. You must not allow external forces or your own impatience to rush it. Ideas require time in the refinery of creative acts to reach full potency.
So be EPIC! Anything else pales in comparison.
🤔 Food for Thought:
Are you an EPIC creator?
If not, what’s holding you back?
⚙️ One Small Step:
Start by exploring your interests. Don’t worry about niches and tactics. Just create things you find joy in! Focus on setting aside a sacred time of day and create consistently. This is an investment in YOU as a creator. Don’t you deserve it?