“There’s no single archetype for a great leader. You have to be yourself. You have to be authentic to who you are.” — Ali Rowghani
Great leaders break the mold.
They are as diverse as stars in the night sky. They come from all walks of life, occupations and personality types. They defy all attempts at classification and predictive analytics.
Anyone has the potential to become a great leader.
You don’t need a highfalutin pedigree. You don’t need a diploma with a fancy seal. No amount of money will mint one on command. A great leader is made from scratch.
Mimicking great leaders will only get you so far.
They provide fertile ground for ideas and inspiration, but you must walk your own path. You cannot simply imitate those you admire and expect the same outcome. They are not you. And you are not them.
You must be true to yourself.
Authenticity evokes a positive response from those you lead. It builds a foundation of trust. All great leaders are one of a kind, and everyone knows it. They make no attempt to hide it.
You must be true to what you believe.
How can you lead others while deceiving yourself? What do you believe in? What do you stand for? It must be meaningful. It must resonate. It must be communicated clearly and concisely.
You must be true to others.
Honor your word, yourself and what you believe in. Treat people with respect. Don’t ask someone to conduct themselves in a manner for which you do not already serve as an example.
You want to be a great leader?
Start by being one of a kind.
🤔 Food for Thought:
How do you define a great leader?
Have you noticed just how diverse they are?
⚙️ One Small Step:
Being one of a kind is simply being you. Don’t copy or mimic others. Make their knowledge your wisdom by applying it through the lens of your unique perspective.