Attract With Your Creations
There is no need for the hard sell when your creations are allowed time to attract.
“Don’t sell. Attract.” — Simon Parsons
Wise creators never sell.
They don’t have to.
Their work attracts.
We all sell in life without realizing it: interviewing for a job, attracting a mate, trying to fit in with a group of friends. You name it and there is likely some selling involved!
What gets me is the asking for money part. I bet the same is true for you. Well, I have some good news. If any of these activities horrifies you...
Chasing after people with cold contact methods (not involving ice)
Endless pitches and hard sells (not the baseball kind)
Learning about funnels (not the tornado kind)
You don’t have to!
Leverage your creations and the process used to create them as the sales vehicle. Instead of chasing after customers, attract them to your work. The people who find value in what you do will always be your best customers.
How do you go about this?
1. Create great content.
Create for the fun of it in the beginning. Share every bit of your work to the world. Admirers will congregate around you and your work. Your creations will draw them like a warm campfire on a cold night.
2. Engage with people who find value in your work.
Don’t just create.
Don’t just share.
Attract fellow travelers and admirers at the same time! Even though you don’t make money at first, new ideas, insights and perspectives are your reward. Enjoy and reinvest them in future creations.
3. Make your content accessible.
Admirers feel like creators through you... like a part of your creator posse. And in a sense they are. What they give from engagement makes you and your work better.
When you curate your creations in the form of products, these admirers are ready and willing to buy the distillation of your knowledge... their knowledge. The price you set will seem like an absolute STEAL to them.
So stop selling your own products like you would someone else’s. Focus on the creating, sharing and engaging. Let your creations do the selling by attracting.
🤔 Food for Thought:
Are you scared sh*tless at the thought of selling something for money?
Are you ready to consistently create, share and engage?
Will you allow your creations to attract?
⚙️ One Small Step:
When it comes time to set a price, remember this:
The distillation of months and years of work is valuable.
Your work is like no other. It is unique and only available through you.
Most of your admirers are hidden. Products for sale will draw them out.
“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.” ― Maya Angelou